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Tuition & Billing

Tuition is paid for the classes for which you are registered not for the classes for which you attend. Classes that are

missed are not made up nor will there

be any adjustments in tuition.


Because of the way the calendar falls there may be a month you have only 3 classes, most months you'll have 4 classes and 2-3 times a year you'll

have 5 classes in a month.

Billing occurs on the 25th of the month for the following month's tuition.

Tuition is direct billed for each month the participant(s) is enrolled in swimming lessons. 


Tuition is charged to a credit or debit card provided by a parent or guardian.  We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover or cash for tuition payments.   We DO NOT accept checks for tuition payments. 



For those of you that prefer to pay cash

we offer a 5% cash discount.

Cash payments are due the last class of the month for the following month.  You will receive an email toward the end of each month to remind you when a cash payment is due.

The swim store envelopes have a place for you to list tuition payments. 

Drop your cash payments in the

swim store drop box.

If you use your own envelope be sure

to include your name and your child's name either in or on the envelope.

                        Russ '24-'25                   Beth '24-'25

Tuition rates    Credit card    Cash         Credit card    Cash

1 child                  $125         $115             $100           $95
2 children             $245         $225             $195         $185
3 children             $360         $330             $285         $270
4 children             $470         $430             $370         $350

Private                 $390         $370             $320         $300

Semi-private *      $390         $370             $320         $300

Family class         $390         $370             $320         $300

* Tuition is split in 1/2 if a semi-private involves two families

Tuition will be prorated for families starting and/or

stopping in the middle of a month.

Tuition is based on the number of

classes during the months we have classes, not by the number of classes in any given month. Some months will have 3 classes, most will have 4 classes and a couple will have 5 classes.  There will not be prorations for a short month nor extra charges for a long month.


Beth's classes closely follow the D.C. School schedule.  That means in the '24-'25 season, Russ' 9 months of classes will meet 35 times & Beth's 8 months classes will meet 24 times...thus Beth's classes are less expensive.

A calendar of the season is available to the left & on the homepage.

Credits will be given if something facility related keeps us out of the water.  

There will not be credits for

weather related issues.

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