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Contact Smilefish
Complete the form below with the following information, hit "send" & I'll check for availability:
* Boy or girl
* Child's age
* Previous lessons & where
* Child's swimming ability
* Desired days & times
* Smilefish level (best guess)
* Any fears or issues
After too many very loud concerts as a kid and too many very loud swim meets as a coach my ears aren't the best. Sometimes my tinnitus is pretty loud. Because of that I will no longer post a phone number on my website. There have been too many people that have been frustrated because I don't return their calls. I've tried several options for messages yet way too often messages are garbled. Or when I can understand much of a message the number is said so fast I only get about 1/2 of it. Or I get 8-9 of the 10 numbers and then I play plug & dial with the number for the next week. So please drop me an email from below or simply to smilefish@comcast.net
Sorry & Thanks - Russ